Register for a Kitchen Table Conversation Group with the Women's March Book Read

Interested in learning, studying and growing with other Women's Marchers participating in our bell hooks Book Read? Complete and submit this form and we'll connect you with a Kitchen Table Conversation Group of Women's March Book Read participants!

Our Kitchen Table Conversation Groups will be small groups of 8 members or less. Women's March will assign and connect Kitchen Table groups, and each Kitchen Table group will independently organize, coordinate and facilitate their own meetings. How often your group meets is up to the group! 

When you register for a Kitchen Table Convo Group or our Book Read Kick-off/Finale, you'll receive a Book Read Toolkit, which includes questions for study, reflection, and discussion, as well as tips for Kitchen Table Conversation groups.

*Please note: Kitchen Table groups are optional and not required to participate in Women's March Book Reads.