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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:
Nassau County Pro Choice Rally
Nassau County Courthouse
262 Old Country Rd
Mineola, NY 11501
Courthouse on Old Country Rd is east of Franklin Avenue
Join Together We Will Long Island and it’s many cohosts as we send a message to the Supreme Court and lawmakers around the country we will not tolerate an attack on reproductive rights. We will push to have the Women's Health Protection Act become law.
Masks required and bring signs.
Cohosted by Pantsuit Nation LI, Party for Socialism and LIberation, Show Up Long Island, Nassau Now, Women's Diversity Network, Long Island Activists, Get2WorkLI, Long Island Network for Change, Long Island Progressive Coalition, Long Island Social Justice Action Network, Nassau County Democratic Socialists of America, New Hour for Women and Children LI