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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:

Defend Our Reproductive Rights
Village Green Bar Harbor, Maine
Corner of Main Street and Mt. Desert Street
Bar Harbor, ME 04609

Event will be located on the Bar Harbor Village Green at the corner of Mount Desert Street and Main Street in Bar Harbor, Maine 04609. Free parking is available at the Connors Emerson School.

We will rally on the Bar Harbor Village Green on Saturday, 10/2/2021 to defend our reproductive rights!
Noon - Sign/poster making/Postcard writing
1 p.m. - Speakers begin
Finish - Group photo op
Confirmed speakers thus far:
Alex Newell Taylor
Alifair Durand McDonnell
Sirohi Gupta Kumar
Linda Robinson
Neha Gupta Kumar
This event is a sister event with the national Women's March Mobilization to Defend Our Reproductive Rights.
For your safety and everyone else’s, please wear a mask.
Free parking is available at the Connors Emerson School.
This event is co-sponsored by Indivisible MDI and the YWCA of Mount Desert Island, Maine
Should you want to bring a sign you make at home, the national organizers are asking that we focus messaging on reproductive justice. Specifically, they have asked that we avoid images of coat hangers and hand maids. Here’s why:
Coat-hanger imagery:- We do not want to accidentally reinforce the right wing talking points that self-managed abortions are dangerous, scary and harmful.
Handmaid’s Tale themed: The use of Handmaid’s Tale imagery to characterize the controlling of women’s reproduction has proliferated, primarily by white women across the country, since the show has gained popularity. This message continues to create more fragmentation, often around race and class, because it erases the fact that Black women, undocumented women, incarcerated women, poor women and disabled women have always had their reproduction freedom controlled in this country. This is not a dystopian past or future.
You may use your own words, but if you are open to suggestions, words shared by the national organizers with us are:
“Everyone loves someone who has had an abortion” (courtesy of We Testify & the National Network of Abortion Funds)
Abortion: legal, accessible & funded/free.
Abortion: Anytime. Any reason. (courtesy of We Testify)
Roe is the floor, not the ceiling; it’s time for more!
We’re done compromising: abortion justice for all!
Build power, protect Roe, reach for more!
Fund abortion, build power! (courtesy of the National Network of Abortion Funds)
Saving Roe is not enough. We need Abortion Justice. (courtesy of All* Above All)
Abortion is healthcare.
The courts don’t decide our destiny, we do.
Abortion today, tomorrow, forever.
Your reason is the right reason. (courtesy of We Testify)
There’s no freedom without access.
Abortion is unstoppable! (courtesy of Reproaction)
I love someone who had an abortion.
Abortion justice can’t wait. (Courtesy of All* Above All)
DO NOT USE: “Safe, legal, and rare” as it is stigmatizing and contends that abortion is not something that should be happening, thus it should be rare and reduced. There will be as many abortions as there need to be. The anti-abortion movement does not get to dictate who has abortions and why.

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