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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:
4 Corners Pro Choice Rally
4 Corners Pro Choice Rally
Corners of Pine Ave/Silver Springs Blvd & Pine Ave/10th St
Ocala, FL 34478
Corners of Pine Ave/Silver Springs Blvd &
Pine Ave/10th St Ocala, FL 34478
The DWC Marion County will be sponsoring a 4 Corners Pro Choice Rally on Saturday, October 2nd from 10am to noon on the corners of Silver Springs Blvd and Pine & Pine and 10th.
Pro-Choice sign now. This is a national rally organized by the Women’s March. Let’s get a big crowd out there.
Showing our signs like:
My Body – My Choice, My Country – My Voice
Activism is my rent for living on this planet.
Empowered Women Empower Women
We need to talk about the Elephant in the Womb
Roe vs Wade was the end of Women
Dying from Abortions
Women’s Rights ARE Human Rights
Stop the War on Women
Why do the Wants of a few – outweigh the Rights of Many
Real Men Support Women’s Rights