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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:
Rally for Women's/LGBTQ+ Rights
Coos Bay Boardwalk
US Highway 101 & Anderson Ave
Coos Bay, OR 97420
From either North or South on US Highway 101, come into downtown CB (where the big Tioga building is) and find parking somewhere.
Rally against the abortion ban and for LGBTQ+/Women's Reproductive Rights. In solidarity with Texas and other states passing these bans.
NO Islamophobic signs saying "American Taliban". What we're protesting has nothing to do with the war on terror. Also guests should remember that trans men, non-binary people and more LGBTQ+ can get pregnant and can have an abortion, meaning that this is an LGBTQ+ issue just as much as a women's issue. No transphobia allowed. Also please wear a mask and social distance. You will not be asked twice.