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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:

March on (Vancouver) Washington
1933 Fort Vancouver Way
Vancouver, WA 98663

Car Rally Start: Clark College Red Lot, Vancouver, WA 98663 Route: You will find the car rally route and details at this link: Time to arrive: We encourage folks to begin arriving at 11:30 We will get started with the car rally at around 1230- 1pm. Tune into KXRW 99.9 FM on the radio dial, or LIVE stream on your mobile device on KXRW’s website KXRW.FM from 1-2pm to hear local speakers and announcements from the 2021 Rally for Abortion Justice Car.

Join us Oct 2nd in sending an unmistakable message of fierce opposition to any and all attacks on abortion justice and reproductive justice!
We #RallyForAbortionJustice because we believe in a future where abortion is available in our communities, and people can create the families they want without barriers, stigma or shame.
We are excited to see so many folks come together here and around the country, unified in the understanding that our power is in our numbers and in our shared vision and values

This is a coordinated event with local social justice groups in Vancouver. Planned Parenthood, NAACP, LULAC, YWCA, NOW. Due to the significant prevalence of Covid in our community and radical groups that call Vancouver home, we have an action that will keep us safe and ALL in our community safe.
1-2pm Tune into KXRW 99.9FM on the radio dial, or LIVE stream on your mobile device on KXRW’s website KXRW.FM to hear local speakers and announcements from the 2021 Rally for Abortion Justice Car. Local activist and leaders will talk about impacts that attacks on Abortion Justice has on their communities, what we can do to fight back and what we need to do to defend our rights.
Staging information, site, route and details emailed to everyone that responded and on our Facebook page! Stay tuned! This action will be fun and IMPACTFUL!
General Rules:
Do not drive distracted. By participating in this event you accept responsibility for yourself, your vehicle, and compliance with all traffic signals, laws and road signs. Be aware of pedestrians and bicyclists.
If you are interacting with people outside of your vehicle, wear a mask. COVID SAFETY is our utmost PRIORITY
If there are any counter protesters, DO NOT ENGAGE with them. We are here to focus on our rights and supporting our community.
Join the “Women's March Vancouver WA” Facebook Page! We will go live during the event, share photos/ videos of the event and share post-march actions in the days to follow!

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