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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:
Bans Off Our Bodies: March for Abortion Justice
Milam Park
500 W. Commerce
San Antonio, TX 78207
Milam Park and surrounding streets have street parking with a meter. There are also reasonable rates for parking under the highway 35/10 between Houston and Dolorosa. If you bike to the event, do bring a lock and LOCK UP YOUR BIKE at all times.
Lot under I-35 is here:
IH 35 Lot 2
680 W Houston St, San Antonio, TX 78207
Our march is one mile square:
In conjunction with sister marches all over the country, we march on October 2nd, 2021, to defend our access to abortions. As an official chapter of the National Women's March, we will host the Bans Off Our Bodies: Women's March of South Texas and join the national call to action to mobilize and defend our reproductive rights.
March will begin and end at Milam Park. Gather at 11:30 a.m.
Bring a water bottle and please stay hydrated!!!
Wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes.
Posters, signs, banners, and noisemakers are strongly encouraged.
Wear a mask!!! We will have masks and hand sanitizer available and will follow all CDC Covid-19 guidelines.
Wear Orange!! Why Wear Orange?
Orange is the color that represents the fight for access to safe & legal abortions in Texas since the 2013 Wendy Davis' thirteen-hour-long filibuster to block Senate Bill 5, a measure which included more restrictive abortion regulations for Texas. We continue wearing orange to honor and continue that fight.
If you would like to wear your own costume or outfit please honor these guidelines: No Handmaiden Outfits & avoid hangers and the appearance of the dangers of illegal abortions - Per Women's March National. Here's some articles why:
Handmaiden imagery pushes a white agenda that ignores the historic and on-going harm to POC. We want to uplift and honor the struggle of the most affected - not detract.
Hangers are great fodder for patronizing anti-choice rhetoric.
That said, this is your march and you can express what you need to express.